
Why do some people feel such a great need to act so mean? I have heard some try to explain it – some describe bullies as people with low self esteem who are trying to feel better about themselves. In some cases, this may be true. However, I tend to blame a lot of it in on media. There are too many bully characters on television who are portrayed as cool. Unfortunately, some will find it entertaining to emulate these characters. I do not know, that’s just my opinion. It is just disgusting how deep cyberbullying gets, and sometimes it is not even solely the kids. I have heard stories about the parents getting involved and making matters worse. Stories similar to these always make me question, what is wrong with people?

The schools I work with have private blogs and wikis that the teachers can choose to monitor. This is a great step in preventing cyberbullying; I am really hoping new cyberbullying laws help. I want to see less cyberbullying and more cyberlovin’…hmm maybe that’s not the best way to phrase that, but you know what I mean. People need to understand that words have such extreme power, they should be used with caution!

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